Golden Tai Chi Ch'uan Yang Style Form Video

I am now offering an instructional, step by step video teaching the Yang Style, T'ai Chi Ch'uan 60 Movement Form. In this 23 part video you will learn each of the movements of T'ai Chi Ch'uan with meticulous detail on how to perform each movement correctly. Not only do I emphasize precise technique of the movements but in a way that is easily understood and applied. Included are demonstrations of the actual energy and power contained within the movements, so the students can see and feel for themselves the why and how of every movement. In this way you can experience the softness, power and flow of T'ai Chi and how it can be effortlessly achieved. This is an excellent and concise way to learn the movements and gain the spirit of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. To begin your journey to improved health, longevity, inner peace and greater power, please mail a check for $60.00 to Gene Golden, 3005 Eldridge Ave., Bellingham, WA or Paypal the amount to goldentaichi@hotmail.com along with your mailing address and I will mail the video on a flash drive to you.